Selling a Single-Family Home in Medford, MA

Medford single families have seen a town of growth over the last decade. Ten years ago (as of this writing), back in 2014, the average sold price for a single family home in Medford was just $451,000. In 2024, the average sold price for a single family in Medford was $923k - that’s right, the average single family home in Medford DOUBLED in value in the last decade.

But remember, this is for the AVERAGE single family home in Medford. If your home is above average, whether due to location or condition or layout or a large yard or a lot of other factors, your home very well could have more than doubled in this time frame. 

So if you are thinking of selling in Medford, a great place to start is to understand how much your home is likely worth. Ping me today and I am happy to provide a free estimate on the current value of your home and of course answer any questions about selling your single family home in Medford.

Continue reading about things to keep in mind when selling your home, as well as how I can help you.

If you are thinking of selling, give me a call at 617-833-7457 and I can help you understand how best to position your property to net you the best price possible. 

Past reviews from Medford Clients:

Unbelievably thorough, responsive, knowledgeable and efficient. - Efra Lucero

Working with Sage has been amazing! - Jordan Katz

I would highly recommend Sage. - Talia Brown